The best way to develop a positive belief system

The best way to develop a positive belief system #shorts

A negative belief is simply a thought you have “thunk” repeatedly over time. The best way to develop a positive belief is to choose a better thought over and over again! Written and read by Bob Baker (c) 2022.

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How to Develop a Positive Belief System to Thrive in Life

The core beliefs that shape our lives

What you believe is what you become.

Beliefs are the foundation of our lives. Our beliefs, whether good or bad, shape our life and determine how we think, feel, and act. Beliefs can be changed by making a conscious decision to replace them with a new belief system that feels more empowering.

The 3 Steps to Develop a Positive Belief System

This section will cover the 3 steps to developing a positive belief system. These steps are:

Identifying the negative beliefs and thoughts that you have in your life

In order to change the life that you are living, you need to break free from the negative beliefs and thoughts that you have. The first step is to analyze what your negative thoughts are and figure out what is causing them. Once you identify your negative thoughts, you can begin unraveling them and start taking steps in the direction of creating a life that you love living.

Changing these thoughts into positive beliefs

What you think about is what you get. The thoughts you think about are the beliefs that manifest into your reality. If you’re thinking positive thoughts, then your life will be positive. Conversely, if you’re thinking negative thoughts, then your life will be negative.

Practicing these new beliefs until they become a habit

It’s not enough to know what to do, you have to do it. The key to success is practice. To make sure you’re practicing the right habits, track your progress and reflect on the things that are going well and not so well.


The best way to develop a positive belief system is to experience success. We should find a way to make this happen, and then we will be able to see the value in our beliefs. 1. Find ways to make success happen 2. Repeat the action that led to this success.

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